Travel to Hongkong is the thing where you see local sights ,moving so quickly and last minute shopping.If you are in Hongkong with heavy luggage, and you don’t want to carry those heavy stuffs .So, You have to find luggage storage room, for storing your bags. The quick answer is yes, in Hongkong you can find many luggage storage rooms.Many luggage storage rooms are in malls. But if you want something in at cheap rate you can get this service ofrom local people. How Much Does Office Space Cost in Hong Kong? If you are looking for an office in Hongkong,you might be know about office space. For Real estate Hongkong is one of the richest place ,It charge high, for there low land availability. Basically the charges of Hongkong,is charges as per the size of area ,you are taking and for how many hours you are taking that area.Inthe main or prime city, office rents can range from HKD 50 to HKD 100 per square foot (approx. USD 6.50 to USD 13 per square foot). For small office in small areas you can expect HKD40 to HKD60. If you are looking for more affordable and more efficient with flexible hours , you can with co-efficient.. They typically charge between HKD 2,000 to HKD 5,000 per month for a hot desk, and around HKD 7,000 to HKD 20,000 per month for a private or persoanl office, depending on the location and amenities. What is a Stored Value Facility in Hong Kong? In Hong Kong, a Stored Value Facility (SVF)is that type of a payment method , where customer have to store there money electronically and use that money at the time of transaction. Basically this facility is used for public transport, retail purchases, and even for services such as parking or online shopping. It works as similar to online payments like credit card or upi etc.It is so convenient for locals and tourists, because they don’t want to carry heavy or rich amount of cash. How Much Cash Can I Carry to Hong Kong? You should be aware the rules and regulations , if you are planning to carry cash with you. The customs of Honkong requires if someone come, they with HKD 120,000 or more (approximately USD 15,500) in cash or its equivalent in other currencies must declare it upon arrival.It applies to both sea and air. Carrying 2-3 payment mode is good for you, because it will give you flexibility. How Much Should I Budget for Office Space in Hong Kong? Budgeting for office is very crucial planning,if you want to open an office in Hongkong.There are so many things or option for this but you have to search according to your budget.. These are the options: Is It Expensive to Backpack in Hong Kong? It is a backpacking city for foreigners.. Here is the backpacking break down:- We all know Hongkong is not the cheapest city in Asia,But for Moving Service this can be a good option.So, if you want Moving Service Visit our website :-Best Movers Hk.